Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Book

©2008 by Tabrian Joe
Authoritarian: Tabrian Joe

**Part 1: Getting Stared**

Hi! My name is Tabrian C. Joe. I was eleven years of age when I was introduced to civil rights. I was in the sixth-grade at Malcolm X Academy in Detroit, MI. A group of college students had made a presentation in my class about Affirmative Action. The group wanted to have a field trip to Lansing, MI to keep Affirmative Action in Michigan. To me Affirmative action was a topic that I wanted to take part of. Affirmative Action was taken away by the so called, "Michigan Civil Right Coalition". This group is mainly made up of whites and republicans.
Their term of Affirmative Action is to take it away from blacks. That is what they did in Michigan and California. They're trying to do it in different states, for example Nevada, Arizona, Missouri and others. I join this group to put a stop to it.
The real civil rights activist is, “The Coalition to defend Affirmative Action, Integration Immigrants rights and to fight For Equality, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)". When I became a member of B.A.M.N my second outing was to Ann Arbor to March and rally to save Affirmative Action.
Before I became a member of BAMN, BAMN had just had a march in Washington, D.C. To keep Affirmative Action programs on going at the University of Michigan. BAMN had won that case at the Supreme Court. I think that BAMN had won that case because of the mass mobilization. That's why I joined BAMN.

*Part 2: The History of BAMN*
The History of BAMN BAMN was found by Shanta Driver. BAMN all stared in California, 1995 to stop the attack on Affirmative Action programs. Through the years BAMN has grown internationally, from California, Michigan, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, London, Washington D.C and more. In those places there're many young people who are leaders and want to be leaders.
BAMN had been stared before the attacked on Affirmative Action in California. BAMN is the group that was defending the abortions clinics. There was another group that was stopping woman from going into them. It was a race to get to the clinics first because who ever got there first would control the doors. BAMN would let the women in the clinics "By Any Means Necessary." I think that’s what a civil right organization is all about. There were other civil rights issues that BAMN has been in. For example a KKK (Klan) Rally at the University of Michigan.

*Part 3: How to be a Member?*

How to be a Member? To become a member of BAMN you must be committed 24/7. Not only that, you have to be capable to do things By Any Means Necessary. You have to be able to do stuff. In BAMN if you want respected you will give respect. Also you should do anything to put down BAMN great name.
In BAMN you will receive a membership packet. With the following: upcoming events, the history of BAMN, the BAMN principles, BAMN's Declaration on Immigrant Rights, and an BAMN article named the Liberator (Journal for the Emerging New Civil Rights Movement). With the BAMN principles it was adopted on the 9th of October, 2000, at the University of Michigan. My view on those things I listed our true and agreeable.

*Part 4: My first BAMN meeting.*

At my first BAMN meeting. After I had join BAMN we were talking about different trips for example the one to the leadership conferences also to Washington, DC to save Brown v Board of Education. The Detroit BAMN meetings are mostly held on Wednesdays. Our BAMN meetings run on BAMN time. What I mean by that is that can go on and on with important stuff about how to stop racism. Some time it is good to run on BAMN time and some time we should run on BAMN time.

*Part 5: My First (out of town) Trip with BAMN!*
First (out of town) Trip with BAMN! My first trip out of town was to California, to one of BAMN's leadership conferences. I had just joined BAMN. When BAMN's national co-chair approached me at a BAMN meeting and asked me, “Did I want to go to California for the conference?" I said, “Yes!" When I got home I told my mother, “That I was going to California." My mom told me that I could go, I got packed that night. It was a four day trip. I went to California by fundraising at my church. My church gave me $243.00 out of $400.00.The other half was paid by BAMN.
The conference was about how to build BAMN up, as the New Youth led Civil Rights Movement. What we mean by that is that we’re going to be the ones marching and protesting because of unequal justice done to blacks, Immigrants, and whites. We have build BAMN by making a web site and a MySpace page. On those two sites we have over 2,000 contacts. To build BAMN we have to do it By Any Means Necessary.

*Part 6: Washington, DC; Dec.4, 2006*
Washington, DC; Dec.4, 2006 What happened on 12-04-06 in Washington, DC? You may ask. On the 4th of December BAMN and the NAACP marched to save Brown VS Board of Education II. The case was going to the Supreme Court. They had fucked us over with their wrong decision. BAMN had turn Washington, DC out with blacks, whites, and Latino/a(s).
The turnout of the march was over 17,000 youth and leaders. Are speakers were leader from our different BAMN chapters. I was one of the speakers, who had spoken that day. I spoke about why I joined BAMN and different political topics.
I had also fund raiser for the march on Washington. I had fundraised, the money by having a house party. A house party is when you invite family and friend and tell them what you are doing. You also ask them for money for your issues. I had some family and friend, send money and still don't show up. Some time we have house parties to raise money at my party had 15 people show up. I fund raised $175.

*Part 7: Undo Prop. 2 Campaign*
Undo Prop. 2 Campaign Prop 2 is short for Proposal 2. Prop 2 is how Affirmative Action was taken away From Michigan. By some whites and black that didn't know "Prop 2" was going to let Affirmative Action go away. BAMN position on this was that blacks a white were been lied to by MCRI. Also BAMN and I think that the voters rights act was been used. BAMN has been to court to undo Prop 2. In the Federal Court where Judge A. Tarnow said that blacks and whites haven’t been lied to. Remember Judge Tarnow is white.
After Judge Tarnow had fucked us over we went to the Appeals Court in Ohio. The three Judge panels were two blacks and one white. Our lawyers had told the judges BAMN's side and to see what we can do to keep Affirmative Action for all in the United States. The Appeal Court in Ohio did the same by demising our case. Some of you might asked, was it going to the Supreme Court, no its not. Because at the time we thought all the supreme court judges would fuck us over.
*Part 8: Gay Rights!
Gay Rights! I think that gay people should have equal rights. In BAMN you will meet gay men and women. I think that in the United States constutional should have equal rights. I think the gays, as in gay people, doesn't have any equal rights. What I mean by that is gay people shouldn't be made fun of gay people are humans, too. I also think that gay people should get married and live together.
BAMN's opinion is that gay people should have rights. Also in California, in 2008, the courts said that gay people can get married, legally. I’m glad of that.

*Part 9: The use of the "N" word.*
I strongly believe that the use of the N-word is for everyone. It's just not for blacks but it is for whites. I say that because one of our constutional rights is The Freedom of Free speech. To say the N- word that falls into place. Do I think the N-word is a good word, NO!

*Part 10: The Caesar Chavez "Holiday"!
The Caesar Chavez "Holiday"! I have Holiday under quotation marks because some people don’t think it should be a holiday. Caesar Chavez was a Latino who was just like a Martin, but for immigrants/Latina/o.
The people who say that it will not be holiday I will say this I am going to prove you wrong. You may ask why I have to prove you wrong, because there is a holiday for the late President Abraham Lincoln. But you can’t have a holiday for Latino man who fought for immigrants. Why is that, I’ll tell you why. It’s because people like Ward Connerly is racist.
For example the NEA was given a chance to support the making of the holiday and history but they refused in 2007 at conference. The NEA is the National Education Association. I’m not saying that all of those teachers were racist but they knew that they could have supported BAMN by voting yes. The NEA said they would support the conference.
*Part 11: The MLK Day March and Rally (Holiday)
The MLK Day march and rally was a success on January 21, 2008. There were about 125 students from DPS/ Detroit and University of Michigan (U of M). On that day we had the Cass Tech Band who played. At U of M was the place where BAMN the MLK Day March. It was there because U of M is One of BAMNs main place to organize in Michigan. If you join the BAMN chapter in Detroit you will the chance to vast U of M. BAMN demanded the end of the Occupation of the War in Iraq.
* Part 12: Making the USA a sanctuary Country!!
I demand a sanctuary country. I believe that the country should be a sanctuary country because it would be safe and worth the fight. There are people who I know that have been taken away from their families so if the country was united and a sanctuary people wouldn’t be taken away.
States and cities have passed laws saying they are sanctuary. The cities that have become sanctuary cities are San Francisco, Berkley, Oakland, and the state that has declared unity and sanctuary is the great state of California. That is very excellent for immigrants to be respected in their own surroundings. Since the laws have passed declaring California is a sanctuary state it has been better.
*Part 13: Stopping the ICE Raids of immigrants.
Stopping the ICE from deporting the immigrants across the country is important. It’s important because the immigrants came to the United States to better their lives. If I was Commander-In-Chief I would say that the ICE is doing wrong and they should leave the immigrants alone because I want to help them.
* Part 14: Stopping the attacks on Affirmative Action nation-wide.
* Part 15: Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama!!!
I support Barack Obama. I support him because he is ready for change and so am I and ever black person. Barack Obama is the third black male Canidate for president. The two before him were too old, I believe I couldn’t vote for him because at the time I was 13 years old and too young to vote. But Obama you had my vote. On Aug. 27,2008 the Democratic Party nominee was Barack Obama, at the 2008 Democratic Party convention.
*Part16: The Crisis of Detroit during 2008
*Part 17: NEA & AFT

©2008 by Tabrian Joe

The "Mayor of Ferndale?"

Way the hell is he talkin about. That rigt I support BAMN.